
New Year New Marriage

Who would like a new marriage?
Maybe a new husband or a new wife?

You can have a new marriage and a new spouse. I highly encourage it.

But don't get a divorce. Make your current marriage new. Become a new husband or a new wife. You will have a new spouse in no time, without a divorce.

How does that happen? There is an old saying that crazy is when you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. So, to have something different, you have to do something different.

To have a different marriage, DO something different.

Here's a simple place to start. Read a devotional for marriage. Think about what you are reading, then apply it.

If you are doing it alone, I suggest you try the Love Dare. This book will give you 40 days of devotions and specific encouragement of things to do to minister to and encourage your spouse.

You may be thinking "He's the one that needs to read the book" or "Why do I have to be the only one trying?"

I can tell you from my experience and the experiences of others that one person can change the atmosphere and dynamics of a marriage. You are choosing to love (an action and an attitude, not just a feeling) unconditionally. We each want to be loved unconditionally. Am I willing to love my husband/wife unconditionally? That means I will be kind and considerate in my tone; I will demonstrate acts of love in my actions.

This devotional will encourage you in God's perspective and His power, as well as give suggestions on acts of love.

You can have a new marriage in the new year!