
The State of Marriage and Family - Where are we now?

We work in this field regularly and sometimes forget that not everyone knows the state of marriage and families in the U.S. Over the next few emails, we will relate the statistics of our culture.

The purpose of this information is not to discourage but to inspire believers to make a difference.

The graph is from Pew Research and shows how marriage itself is declining. More people are choosing not to marry at all. Being "never married" does not mean that they do not have children or a "partner." Our culture does not value marriage as an integral part of having children and a family. Pop culture demonstrates that attitude very clearly.

Divorce and cohabitation has continually increased since the 1960's. Young people are marrying at an older age. All of these factors contribute to a decline in the number of people who are married.

What does that mean for me?
What can I do?

We can teach and demonstrate the value of being married before having children. We can teach young people how to have successful, healthy relationships and how to have strong marriages. We can encourage our churches to make an intentional effort to teach all ages both the Biblical design for marriage and practical skills to prepare for marriage and to strengthen existing marriages.