
Tiger Tale

Our daughter was at work on Thanksgiving day; she was working the golf shop at a country club. They keep a TV on with sports playing all day long. That morning she texted us that "tiger hurt in wreck." Being LSU alumni, our first thought was that LSU's mascot Mike the Tiger had been hurt. Nooooo .... we all now know which Tiger was wrecked.

I have been trying to avoid writing about Tiger wrecking his life and the life of his wife and children. But the time has come. I just read an article by Mike Wise in the Washington Post. It is definintley worth the time to read it.

He had the courage to admit publicly, in print, that he once had the same problem with women that Tiger has. He describes the problem, "this is really about a man who has everything and nothing at the same time, a guy medicating with women to fill emotional gaps -- the way some people use food, alcohol, drugs, work and golf on television."

As we have taught and counseled on marriage for over 20 years, in several countries, we know that this kind of sexual compulsion is common and accepted in much of the world. Does that make it right or good or benign?

Tiger Woods is well-know in the golf world for his extreme ability to focus and concentrate. His dad/coach would purposefully make distracting noises and motions while Tiger practiced to teach him to focus. Tiger is the most recognized and disciplined athlete of our day. His father spent countless hours developing a talent in a very young boy.

Earl Woods spent a lot of time teaching his son to be a professional golfer but what did he teach him about being a man? Earl was unfaithful to his own wife when Tiger was a teenager, which supposedly "devastated" Tiger. The father wasted a wonderful opportunity to teach his son how to be a real man, husband, and father. He taught him physical discipline and focus, but nothing about emotional or spiritual discipline and focus.

With what is Tiger left? Lots of money. No respect as a man. Rumors of his wife and children leaving him.

He will always be able to find women who will fall for him, for his celebrity, for his wealth and fame, but none will ever be able to trust him. None will see him as a suitable, lifetime partner or father to their children.

Proverbs 5 was written thousands of years ago but could have been written today for all the Tiger Woods out there today:
3 For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey,
and her mouth is smoother than oil.
4 But in the end she is as bitter as poison,
as dangerous as a double-edged sword.
7 So now, my sons, listen to me.
Never stray from what I am about to say:
8 Stay away from her!
Don’t go near the door of her house!
9 If you do, you will lose your honor
and will lose to merciless people all you have achieved.
10 Strangers will consume your wealth,
and someone else will enjoy the fruit of your labor.
11 In the end you will groan in anguish
when disease consumes your body.
12 You will say, “How I hated discipline!
If only I had not ignored all the warnings!
14 I have come to the brink of utter ruin,
and now I must face public disgrace.”
Is Tiger sick? Yes. As Mike Wise ended his article (again speaking from his own experience) "I can only hope that he realizes he's sick and takes steps to get better."
But even an emotional sickness starts in the heart.
When my husband teaches other men about being faithful, he knows that every man is susceptible to the lure of lust. His message comes from Proverbs 4:23, Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
Tiger knows a lot about guarding his mind while playing golf but nothing about guarding his heart while living life.