
Tiger Tale - Part 2

As depicted in my last post, "Tiger Tale," Earl Woods missed a great opportunity to teach his son what it means to be a man and a husband. An article in the New York Times on Saturday shows Earl to be more than negligent, he actually taught him to de-value marriage. According to the author, one year at the Masters, Earl Woods said “I’ve told Tiger that marriage is unnecessary in a mobile society like ours.”

Even though Tiger talks with great fondness about his children, his view of marriage must have terribly tainted by his father.

I wonder how often we de-value our marriages to our children? Maybe a derogatory remark about a spouse or ignoring our marriages or pouring our energies into our children while disregarding the feeling of our spouse .... all of these actions and more show that we do not value marriage in general and our own marriage in particular. What are we teaching our children by what we say and do?