
The Woman that Keeps Destroying Marriages

I am writing this to warn other marriages about this woman.

When we meet with couples who are having trouble in their marriages, we often hear about a woman that is destroying their marriage. This woman keeps showing up in marriage after marriage. Once the wife finds out about "the other woman," she is hurt and feels unlovable.

The woman's name is Porn.

Have you seen her? 
Have you hear of her? 
Has she visited your home?

I remember listening to Dr. James Dobson on the radio 30 years ago. He was serving on the president’s commission about porn at that time and began warning us about how it destroys families. Pornography was predominantly in the form of magazines and videos at that time.

We thought it was bad at that time; we had no idea what was ahead! The floodgates opened with no way to close them.

We got involved with marriage counseling and marriage ministry over 20 years ago. The porn problem was there but not pervasive. The internet has changed everything about porn and marriage counseling!

You will find it hard to believe some of the statistics that we are sharing.

The problem transcends every age group and socio-economic level, but it is more pronounced among younger adults.

“A recent survey of 29,000 people at North American universities shows 51% of men and 16% of women spend up to five hours per week online for sexual purposes.”

Some people believe that pornography doesn't affect others, that it is private, involving just the person who peruses it. Another common belief is that “I don’t look at pornography, so it doesn't affect me.” Both of those beliefs are absolutely wrong. Pornography profoundly affects our culture and destroys families.

Ask any wife, who has discovered that her husband is involved in pornography, what is feels like. She will tell you that she feels betrayed, just as if he had been unfaithful. She feels rejected, unloved, and unattractive.

The presence of pornography tears apart marriages.

Pornography is also the gateway to human sex trafficking, affecting all. 

Pornography warps your mind.
To make pornography, there has to be a subject to photograph or video. Those people are often sexually abused and/or physically abused and given drugs.

Would you be okay with your daughter being the subject of pornography?

When you think of who the subjects are, remember “she’s somebody’s daughter.