
The Price of Premarital Counseling

Recently, an associate pastor who does premarital counseling asked, on his blog, what the value of premarital counseling is.

He and his wife meet with couples 8-10 times for 60-90 minutes each time. They use an assessment and workbook as they counsel. He has always done the premarital counseling at no charge, as part of his ministry. He was wondering what the value would be if he charged.

One reader of his blog made this reply:
Priceless, priceless, priceless. I think that it is a great investment. I understand that for couples starting out any cost can be prohibitive, but there are some creative ways to work it out. I liked the way that our church promoted it and supported it. They told us it was part of their prep program (which we read as requirements) and told us the cost. Then quickly added that they would provide matching funds for the cost. That helped us invest in the process because we had some literal investment and because our church family had invested in us. We have often referred to our marriage prepwork in the last 6 years. The only time I have “referred” to the white dress that cost more than the marriage prep, is when I need room in my closet…although, it is a pretty dress!:)

What do you think? For those who had premarital counseling and/or class, what was the value of it to you?